SKIN-PREP Protective Barrier Film

Smith & Nephew

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  • Forms a protective film to help reduce friction during removal of tapes and films
  • Can also be used to prepare skin attachment sites for drainage tubes, external catheters, surrounding ostomy sites and adhesive dressings
  • Apply as a coating to prepare the skin for adhesives
  • Provides a protective interface that may reduce friction during the removal of tape
  • For skin attachment sites: drainage tubes, external catheters, surrounding ostomy sites and other adhesive dressings
  • For use in sensitive stoma areas as a skin protectant
  • May reduce irritation from contact with body wastes and stoma fluid
  • Forms a protective film on skin which may reduce exposure to urine and feces

Smith & Nephew

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SMN420279 Spray / 118-mL Bottle
SMN59420425 Wipe