- 7 in. – 17.8 cm
- Nylon bristles: Ideal for cleaning hard to reach places without scratching or harming delicate instrument surfaces
- 7.25 in. – 18.4 cm
- Autoclavable
- Open back hand grip
- 16 x 7 rows of 1/2" (1.3 cm) bristles
- Removes stains and tarnish and restores luster to instruments, trays, sterilizers and ultrasonic cleaners
- Ideal for use on stainless steel, chrome, nickel, brass, copper and silver
- Pre-soak cleanser before sterilization
- Penetrates and breaks down proteins and organic matter
- Helps prevent spotting, staining and rusting
- Lubricates instrument box locks, screw locks, scissors blades, and any other metal to metal moving parts
- Ideal for ultrasonic cleaning, instrument presoak and for evacuation system cleaning (dentists)
- Can be used for laundry and floor mop presoak
- For the quick disinfection of non critical instruments through soaking
- Also for spraying hard surfaces and objects
- For disinfection and cold soaking of non critical instruments before autoclaving
- Reusable up to 28 days
- For disinfection and cold sterilization of instruments
- Reusable up to 14 days
- For manual and ultrasonic cleaning
- Anti-corrosive
- For manual and ultrasonic cleaning or soaking instruments
- Phosphate-free, Neutral pH, biodegradable and rinses free
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